Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian Statistics.

Bayesian Statistics by Duke University

Bayesian Statistics

Herbie Lee, Professor of Statistics at the University of California Santa Cruz.

way to define probabilities is under Bayesian perspective. Bayesian perspective is one of personal perspective.

Books and Notebook

Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers



Bayesian Deep Learning

Frequentism and Bayesianism: A Practical Introduction

Computational Statistics in Python0.1

Statistical Rethinking course and book



Bayesian-biostatistics-2015 STA663-2015 Bayes

#### minimizing loss functions


‣ L0 minimized at mode

‣ L1 minimized at median

‣ L2 minimized at mean

‣ point estimate you report depends on your choice of loss function

posterior probabilities & decision

‣ suppose you have two competing hypotheses: H1 and H2

‣ then

‣ P(H1 is true data) = posterior probability of H1
‣ P(H2 is true data) = posterior probability of H2

‣ potential decision criterion: choose the hypothesis with the higher posterior probability

reject H1 if P(H1 is true data) < P(H2 is true data)

‣ alternative: consider a loss function

loss functions & decisions

‣ L(d) : loss that occurs when decision d is made

‣ Bayesian testing procedure then minimizes the posterior expected loss

‣ possible decisions (actions):

‣ d1 : choose H1 - decide that the patient doesn’t have HIV

‣ d2 : choose H2 - decide that the patient has HIV


‣ Bayesian methodologies allow for the integration of losses into the decision making framework easily

‣ in Bayesian testing we minimize the posterior expected loss

Bayes factor

‣ quantifies the evidence of data arising from H1 vs. H2

‣ discrete case: ratio of the likelihoods of the observed data under the two hypotheses

‣ continuous case: ratio of the marginal likelihoods

#### interpreting the Bayes factor BF[H1 : H2]

Jeffreys (1961) Evidence against H2

1 to 3  Not worth a bare mention  

3 to 20 Positive

30 to 150 Strong

150  Very strong


‣ inference with paired or matched normal samples

‣default prior distributions under the two hypotheses

‣posterior distributions for proportions under H2

and H1

pooled prior distributions under H1 p(p) / pam

‣ Bayes factor for comparing H1 to H2 is 2.93

‣ slight evidence in favor of H1 but not “worth a bare mention”